Saturday, April 11, 2009

Facts about Human Evolution -Notes

human evolution;
We evolved because of dietary changes, meat eating produced larger brains and smaller stomachs, plant eaters apes couldn't produce enough protein to evolve big enough brains. consequently they died out and meat eating apes evolve faster. they evolve faster because protein created bigger brains.

-1.5million yrs ago-homo erectius was the middle of human evolution,bones had Scoliosis which is only present in humans not apes, therefore these were our ancestors. Homo erectius didn't have the capability of language, although this is debatable. Regardless, even if they couldn't talk they still could have beliefs. We can hold beliefs in our head for years and never utter a word.

They had tiny brains compared to modern humans.This was because they had a big body and brain was like a 1 yr old baby. Most likely they moved like us meaning they walked in a upright fashion, but language was probably not present. This is because there no evidence of love, or objects of affection

-Heidelbergenis was present 500,000 years ago. The animals present in these times showed evidence of cutting their game with flint tools. Their brains were almost the size of modern humans indicated by the pearl test. Pearls are put into the brains and then poured out into a flask, thereby measuring it's size. Heidelbergenis might had had language because they made objects that were not tools. They were not used to cut meat, therefore, they were most likely gifts. Heidelbergenis roamed in groups; this suggest organization and community to hunt game. Spears have been found in Hanover, Germany that date back 400,000 years ago. This suggests that killing others or competition between social groups were in play. Affection for others have been identified in heidelbergenis because the cutting of the meat suggested that they were keeping meat in storage. Keeping it in storage indicates that they were caring for others, hence affection. Evidence has been found that Heidelbergenis molars exploded at the age of 5. In humans it explodes at 6, this connects our linage.

-40,000 years ago hominids were found in a cave near africa. They were not archaic like the Heidelbergenis. Their skulls had a low brow and a chin that was pronounced. Apes featured the opposite. Carbon dating is flawed after 40,000 yrs. 120,000 years ago was dated for these hominids, and the dating was done by soil dating. The soil dated seashells at the site that was dated at 120,000 years ago. DNA shows that we came from Africa 100,000 years ago. Spearheads were found at the site suggesting advanced thought behaviour. More over tools for make shoes were found as well. These hominids collected shell fish, suggesting they could cook and forage. Signs of fishing were discovered as well. Fishing takes a social cognitive group effort. Fires were made suggesting advance thought. Oaku (a red pigment) was found at the site suggesting ritualistic behaviour was performed. We find in other tribes around the world, people put this pigment on there face and perform rituals. Artifacts were found in the caves as well. Consequentially 100,000 years ago these people were highly advanced. They were human just like us.

-In w.Europe(france specifically) about 35,000 yrs ago. 70,000-200,000 yrs ago neanderthals were found. In the fossil record neanderthals disappear when our species started to inhabit the area. The DNA shows there's no good matches with our ancestory. They were parallel ancestors of us and were here around European areas. Neanderthal tools didn't change too much in 250,000 yrs of them existing, however. In contrast modern humans tools are found there are major changes and upgrades of there tools. The climatic changes starting wreaking havoc on Neanderthals and they couldn't adapt to these changes. There are ornaments found with these hominids. It was the first time ornaments were found in our 500,000 human evolution. The ornaments suggest these were our direct descendants. It shows they were loving, caring, and probably have some sort of worshiping going on.

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