Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Thoughts on CBT therapy to a Psychologist

wow where do i start. Let me say this first as a patience it is quite confusing when u get depression, general praticier doesn't no much. then you got 3 types of psychology, Freudian, cbt, behavioral psychology, It is quite confusing what to chose when your in the throes of depression. or schizophrenia, or bipolar, or ocd. Maybe it more of a education thing, the system is broken i think. As my assertions is not that unfounded. look at this site, they did a study at how mental health rates in the country. National grade is a D.

cbt, i don't believe it is thoughts that cause mental illness , i believe it's the brain. specifically i think it is the brain that is broken, and negative thoughts are the byproduct. not vice versa. let me give u a example, i was with a psychologist one day adn he said wanting me to try to change my thinking pattern. i was like this is interesting. So, he continued to say now i want u to start saying u can, instead of u can't. ok, now i was like wtf. so we did some drills, and i started to say i can do this and i can do that. now obviously in my head , i said this guy has got to be kidding me. is this suppose to cure me or help me through depression? it smelled funny and it look funny. i think this was the most absurd methods of treatment i have ever witnessed. to think my MOOD is going to change if i start to say i can, instead of i cant'. suffice to say, it didn't stay very long at that psychologist. what a load of shit. I mean i think as i think, i learned when i was little this stuff. i went 18 yrs thinking like i think now, but i had no problems with my mood. There is something in the brain, that clicked off at the age of 18, i don't know what it was and i know no one knows exactly how depression is caused. but i assure u that saying i can instead of i cant is not the answer.hell it's more insulted than anything.

I know there are studies that say cbt is good. i recall there around 30 to 50 % effective and with drug treatment it goes even higher. But i have a problem with the methodology of all these studies to begin with. I mean for one method to be labeled as a success, you must improve 50%. Now this in itself should be IN RED on all of this studies. So, if there are 5 people that ONLY improve 50%, they are labeled a a success. therefore the treatment is 100% effective. i find this very dishonest scientifically. But I'll just say that any improvement is better than none, but the way it is presented is egracious to me and it pisses me off.

let me just close with this. I think behavior therapy is the best. Just going to talk to psychology about everyday problems are good. But when it comes to severe depression, schizophrenia or any of the severe conditions it falls short of the mark.

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